2014年1月21日 星期二

iOS SDK Release Notes for iOS 7.1 beta 4

iOS7.1 beta4今早release了,翻了一下release note跟大家分享一下。

Bluetooth Known Issues 

32-bit apps running on a 64-bit device cannot attach to BTServer.

已知問題32位元的app在iPhone 5S會有藍牙連線的問題,已經beta好幾版都沒有改= =+

CFNetwork Notes

A compatibility behavior has been added to address an issue where some web servers would send the wrong Content-Length value for "Content-Encoding: gzip" content. Previously, NSURLConnection and NSURLSession would send a "network connection was lost" / NSURLErrorNetworkConnectionLost (-1005) error in this situation. The compatibility behavior applies only if the Content-Length value exactly matches the expanded gzip'd content. It won't apply for "off by 1" or similar miscounting.

針對一些網站的 content encoding是 gzip情況下又給了錯誤的Content-Length,有提昇兼容性。
先前NSURLConnection跟NSURLSession會拿到 network connection was lost或是 NSURLErrorNetworkConnectionLost (-1005)的錯誤。

Messages Fixed in iOS 7.1 beta 4

Messages no longer indicates a send failure immediately after sending.


Safari Notes

A property, minimal-ui, has been added for the viewport meta tag key that allows minimizing the top and bottom bars on the iPhone as the page loads. While on a page using minimal-ui, tapping the top bar brings the bars back. Tapping back in the content dismisses them again.
For example, use <meta name="viewport" content="width=1024, minimal-ui">.


UIKit Known Issues

Bar button background images are ignored in apps built and deployed to iOS7.1 when they are set using UIBarButtonItem setBackgroundImage:forState:style:barMetrics: with UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered as the style argument.
Workaround: Use UIBarButtonItemStylePlain or UIBarButtonItemStyleAny in this case, or use UIBarButtonItem setBackgroundImage:forState:barMetrics:.

Bar Button背景圖片在使用 setBackgroundImage:forState:style:barMetrics:中類型設定為UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered的時候會失效。
解決方法是設定成 UIBarButtonItemStylePlain或是 UIBarButtonItemStyleAny抑或是使用 setBackgroundImage:forState:barMetrics:

If a UITextField or a UILabel that is baseline aligned with constraints has attributes that change after the constraints have been added, the layout may be incorrect. The exception to this is -setFont: on UILabel, which should work as expected.
Workaround: Avoid making changes in UITextField or UILabel after adding baseline-alignment constraints. If you must make changes, you should remove the constraints and then reapply them afterward. Note that this is a performance hit, so don't do it unless it is necessary.

UITextField跟UILabel如果設定了baseline aligned之後再設定其他屬性,這樣會使得layout錯誤。(除了UILabel設定字型是沒問題的)
目前要避免這樣的問題就是要調整先後順序,把baseline aligned放到最後設定。

The backIndicatorTransitionMaskImage from a storyboard or a xib will not be interpreted correctly at runtime.
Workaround: Set the backIndicatorTransitionMaskImage in code.


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